$ 1,066 HKD
聞茶時有溫和的木香。 最初數泡有層次地顯現順滑豐富樟香味,隨著出現陳皮,果味和適中的回甘。隨後幾泡茶湯顯現木味和草藥香味。茶底是深褐色葉和茶梗。
General Guide to brewing Pu-erh Tea
Steep Pu-erh tea in hot boiling water. The ratio of tea leaves to water is approximately 1:4 to 1:5. or 8 grams of tea to 125 ml. of water.
First steep for 5 to 10 sec and discard the water to clean and heat the tea leaves. Steep for 20 seconds, and lengthen the time for each subsequent infusion.
The number of infusion can range from 10 to 20 times.