1974 7452 勐海茶廠七子生熟茶餅 - 普洱茶
$ 480 HKD
勐海茶廠正品正貨,有熟茶王的美譽,是70年代生產的首批熟茶,它採用西雙版納勐海茶區中上等茶菁製作而成,是普洱茶指標的產品,茶味濃郁豐厚, 包裝特色包括美術字內飛,茶餅壓制緊實以保存茶氣,至今已陳化在我們專業倉庫超過40年,屬普洱茶收藏市場的明星茶。
General Guide to brewing Pu-erh Tea
Steep Pu-erh tea in hot boiling water. The ratio of tea leaves to water is approximately 1:4 to 1:5. or 8 grams of tea to 125 ml. of water.
First steep for 5 to 10 sec and discard the water to clean and heat the tea leaves. Steep for 20 seconds, and lengthen the time for each subsequent infusion.
The number of infusion can range from 10 to 20 times.